Creating Targets New Website

On this weeks episode of the target blog, I will be going over my experience making a website for the beloved company known as Target. Although it did end up being very simple as I did not have much time on my hands, it is still every bit as functional as the original target website... not very.

Seeing as I had worked with HTML a decent amount during grade school and high school, making this website didn't take me much effort. It took me a whole 10 minutes to google the basic HTML tags and CSS tags to do basic website design. I got to the point where I used CSS to change the background colour and used HTML to place an image on the screen. By far my favourite thing is the ridiculous marquee tag. I never understood why it made it all the way to HTML5 and still don't.

Making web pages was something that I considered doing as a career. Though there are many tools that allow you to automatically create stunning websites, they don't compare with a master of his craft. I spent a lot of time messing around and just experimenting with HTML, but something about curly braces seemed more appealing than less-than and greater-than signs. I decided that instead of designing websites,  I wanted to design programs.

Creating this website has reminded me of the power that we take for granted. Anyone in the world can look at w3schools and find all the tools they need to build their very own webpage. This is something that would have been impossible 15 years ago. We have so much free information, so many free resources, but target still manages to make a half useable website. Thanks.

- The Target Guy

<link rel ="stylesheet" href = "myCss.css">
<title> Target Boi Back At It </title>
<p> That feeling when you cant center an image</p>
<img src = "" class="center">

<marquee> This is some text<br>
I wrote it for you<br>
It makes no sense<br>
Give me an A




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