Target Lost My Mail, But Not My Advertising

We live in a day and age where postal service is taken for granted. We simply assume that the package we order will magically show up at our doorstep from where we ordered it. But this is not so. It takes a chain of events to deliver it. Just the same, we take email for granted. Being an electronic way for us to receive important notices and communicate with one another, we never put much thought into its origins or its underlying functions. Due to this, we don't notice how much it has in common without traditional mailman

Although it may be puzzling to us how the email gets from one computer to another, it is in fact very similar to the postage man we are used to. Just like the physical mail, email makes its way through a series of steps in order to make it to its final destination. It doesn't shoot straight from the outbox to the inbox, it has to make stops on the way to get directed towards and eventually reach its final destination. The similarities continue when you look at the fact that both these amazing forms of communication also require an address to get to get to their destination. On paper postage, it may be in the form of the street, city, and zip code. But on electronic mail, it comes in the form of the mail server that will be receiving the information that contains the words sent and delivering it to the correct user.

However, there are very noticeable differences between these two methods of sharing information. The postal service takes a longer amount of time to deliver its mail because it must rely on physical aspects and components in its chain to deliver the mail. This is not so in electronic mail. Seeing as the information or mail that you send is handled entirely by sophisticated computers who were not built with the purpose of passing butter, but to deal with emails and deliver them. Since electrons can move significantly faster through wires than mailmen can drive outdated cars, the mail gets delivered significantly faster.

And through all of this, the postal service manages to lose important packages, but target still manages to get its advertising to me both in physical and electronic form. Thanks Target©!


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