
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Tech Future Of Target

Ya know, I'm not even gonna try on this one, this has nothing to do with Target. There are many topics that I would like to report on. There is so much happening in the technological space, its hard to choose. There are a few runner-ups. These include Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing, and Artificial Intelligence. However, the topic I settled on is Neural Networks. The main reason is that they absolutely fascinate me! They are a masterpiece of programming. They are something that I have wanted to get into for a long time. Back when I did game development, I tried creating a game with procedurally generated levels. At this point, I had only been programming for about a year. I had no idea algorithms existed that would allow you to do this. My approach was to build about 10 templates for levels and have them randomly appear when you advanced levels. It sucked. This is where something like a neural network would have been amazing. Yes, the algorithms would be more ...

Target-ed Journalism

zReporting live, from the back aisle of Target. Here to bring you a very boring story that I couldn't be bothered to actually link to Target. Back in the days before the modern internet, the news and information we received came in paper form. Back when being a paperboy was considered a genuine job. During this time Journalism was at a place where a clipboard was your best friend. During that time, journalists and the concept of journalism was quite simple. Go to a place, take notes, interview some people, then come up with a catchy article title to grab the attention of the reader. Nowadays, however, we are far more advanced. Notepads and clipboards have been replaced by laptops and smartphones. Paperboys have been replaced by online subscriptions to newsletters. We are moving into a new age where the more advanced technology gets, the further away we move from traditional, less efficient ways of recording and transmitting information. Journalism is moving in a direction where...

Creating Targets New Website

On this weeks episode of the target blog, I will be going over my experience making a website for the beloved company known as Target. Although it did end up being very simple as I did not have much time on my hands, it is still every bit as functional as the original target website... not very. Seeing as I had worked with HTML a decent amount during grade school and high school, making this website didn't take me much effort. It took me a whole 10 minutes to google the basic HTML tags and CSS tags to do basic website design. I got to the point where I used CSS to change the background colour and used HTML to place an image on the screen. By far my favourite thing is the ridiculous marquee tag. I never understood why it made it all the way to HTML5 and still don't. Making web pages was something that I considered doing as a career. Though there are many tools that allow you to automatically create stunning websites, they don't compare with a master of his craft. I s...

Target Lost My Mail, But Not My Advertising

We live in a day and age where postal service is taken for granted. We simply assume that the package we order will magically show up at our doorstep from where we ordered it. But this is not so. It takes a chain of events to deliver it. Just the same, we take email for granted. Being an electronic way for us to receive important notices and communicate with one another, we never put much thought into its origins or its underlying functions. Due to this, we don't notice how much it has in common without traditional mailman Although it may be puzzling to us how the email gets from one computer to another, it is in fact very similar to the postage man we are used to. Just like the physical mail, email makes its way through a series of steps in order to make it to its final destination. It doesn't shoot straight from the outbox to the inbox, it has to make stops on the way to get directed towards and eventually reach its final destination. The similarities continue when yo...

Something Other Than Target

The first day of class was an interesting endeavour. It showed me what the class was all about and how I should set my expectations. From this class, I hope to obtain a basic knowledge of the foundations of modern society. Our society is so deeply intertwined with the webs of the net that the two are practically inseparable. This class serves as a gateway to understanding the deep underlying truths and historical facts that lie under the web that we so well know. I also hope to build lasting relationships with both students and the professor. I hope that these relations that I build will be able to assist me in my future because you can't do all things on your own. Seeing as this class has elements of group work and projects that require more than one person to accomplish, I will put in an effort to get to know my classmates and those who have taken interest in the same topics as I have. I also hope to gain experience for the rest of my college years. Seeing as this class is my fir...