Guests At Target

This post was supposed to be about a guest speaker that we had. So... again... nothing to do with Target. I don't know, just imagine that you saw him at Target or something. 

Last week, we had the great pleasure of having Erik Hanberg visit our class. He is a self-made man and an author. I found it very interesting how he talked about his beginnings designing websites to writing books. He talked a lot about the books he wrote and the channel 253 podcast. a group of podcasts he put together about Tacoma. However, the thing I took home for myself was that it is possible to make it in the world without being stuck as part of the corporate ladder. It is possible to do it on your own and be your own boss. The name 4 hour work week also stuck with me. It is a book about how you can live your life without being stuck on a corporate ladder. I don't often read books, but I decided I would give a shot. I am currently an hour into the eight-hour audiobook and I'm really liking it so far. I think this is when I get back into reading books. There is a lot of knowledge hidden in the pages that I have been missing out. I have always been fascinated by the idea of starting my own development firm. and now it doesn't seem so out of reach. As I go through school and learn, I will keep reading books about business. I hope that by the time I graduate, I will have the knowledge necessary to run my own company.


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